Friday, October 23, 2009

Real Estate Booth at GO Show

We are geting ready for the Brecksville Chamber Business Expo (otherwise known as the Go Show).
It is at a new location this year which  is Saturday Oct.24th at the Cuyahoga Valley Career Center on Brecksville Rd. across from Wallings Rd. intersection. 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Halloween Goodies for the kids along with a Halloween costume parade and prizes around 1:30PM
Lots of freebies and candy for all.
We will be giving out Shelley's Delicious COOKIES and have a  FREE drawing for the book
Stop by and say "HI" to Debbie -the world's best greeter and phone answerer!
 See you  there,
 Rachel ,Mike and Renee Torchia

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Gotta Put the T BIRD Away

I am that crazy, silver haired lady in the “Thunderbird Blue” 2002 TBird who has the top down and the R&R music blasting every morning if the temp is over fifty degrees.

I love starting out my day feeling free and if it feels cold, I blast the heater!

I have so much fun with my TBird. As a kid I always wanted an original TBird. Like a “56 or “57. I knew that was never going to happen. I know zip about restoring cars!

Back in the year 2000, I went to the auto show and saw the proto-type of the retro TBird and fell in love with the TBird again.

I waited for it and so did a lot of other people, they were very limited in the Midwest but we found one in California (they had a lot of them- wonder why?).

It was cheaper to ship it here than pay the premium local dealers wanted so I FINALLY GOT MY TURQUOISE TBird!

I call it “my baby”. It has never seen snow and very little rain. I turned 10,000 miles last week. My office is only two miles from home so I average around 1400 a year. I wish I didn’t have to rack up any mileage so it will always be new!

I am totally irrational when it comes to my TBird. I even wash it and I’ve never washed a car before this. I like to shine it up!

Fall is here with winter right around the corner. We’ve been enjoying a brief Indian Summer. I am squeezing out as many sunny days as I can before I will be put it away to hibernate until next spring.

I’ll miss the “thumbs up” from other drivers and “Love your car” in the parking lots.

Until then, I’ll have fun - fun -fun ‘til the weather makes me put the TBird away!

Monday, October 19, 2009

U.S. Marines "Toys For Tots" Time At Gateway Title

It's Toys For Tots time again! This will be our eighth year as a drop off center.
Each past  year, We have had the good fortune to have the boxes filled and refilled many times during the campaign.
Please bring new, unwraped toys to:
                                                   THE GATEWAY BUILDING
                                                   8748 BRECKSVILLE RD.
                                                   BRECKSVILLE, OHIO
We are located 1/4 mile NORTH of Rt.21 (Brecksville Rd.) & Rt.82 - the center of Brecksville.
440 546 9660