Most often asked question since 2008 is....
"How are you guys doing?"
It is still the number one question I hear.
Aside from the fact that this has been a down real estate market
that is starting to show signs of life, ( a good thing)
we certainly are constantly challenged by outside forces such as:
• Banks that own their own title company and think they are entitled to make more money off the consumer with title and closing fees.
• Real estate agents that own their own title company and think they are entitled to make more money off the consumer with title and closing fees.
• National title insurance underwriters who form a title alliances with banks and lenders thereby cutting out their own independent agents so they, (our own underwriters) make more money.
• Consumers who are afraid to speak up for themselves and let others take advantage of them!
Other than that, we have no problems.
We are doing better than most other title agencies.
The last figure I heard was over 50% have closed their doors since 2008
That saddens me.
On the brighter side…
We have many loyal clients who Trust their Title to Gateway and refer others to us.
For them, I am grateful.
Please, give us a call for you and your family’s title and escrow needs.
We’ll be here for you.
Thanks for Asking,
Take Care,