Thursday, May 12, 2011

Advertise your Home For Sale - f.ree and easy

I have a serious challenge for you  hopeful real estate sellers....

You wonder why? It makes sense. You are not looking for buyers to call about price so you can show them other homes for sale. You want real prospects. Not lookers who find out they can’t afford it anyway.
Let’s pretend you are looking for a home to buy.
Picture yourself driving through the neighborhood.
You spot a home for sale that you love.
You call to see it and find out it too expensive for you or you go to the open house only to find out it is out of your affordability range.

Now picture this: You are driving, see a house and in front is a “for sale” sign and the price is written right on it. If it is not in your price range – drive on by and waste no one’s time.
But wait what if the asking price on the sign is in your ballpark? You fall in love and make an offer!
This does work for sellers who are not afraid to think “out of the box”.

Now, back to your reality:
Selling a property can be difficult in these times. Give yourself all of the marketing advantages possible.
I am convinced if more sellers put the property “on sale” along with the asking price, the buyer would show up faster. You only need one!
It WORKS! - do it and send me your story.