Thursday, July 23, 2009


I am privileged to have the friendship and support of a wise gentleman by the name of
Richard Flint.
He is a mentor, coach and friend to many nation wide.
Every morning, he emails me his "Morning Minute".
I am passing these thoughts on to you.
I suggest you read, reread and think then, let me know what YOU think!

Thursday, July 23, 2009
You are what you believe.
What you are doing with your life is a visual definition
of what you believe about you! Do you grasp what
that is really saying? Talk all you want; write as
many goals as you want to write; do a story board
that you look at every day, BUT none of these create
the who that you are - they are only part of your
story. That story is either fiction, a tragedy, a satire
or a self-help book. Which are you right now?
Remember, freedom carries with it responsibility and accountability.

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