Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Gateway Title Pays It Forward.

Pay It Forward Is Growing!
It Is Time To Support Each Other!
It Is Exciting To Watch An Idea Grow Into Reality.....
About six weeks ago, customers We started contacting our customers and businesses inviting them to send us their company coupons for savings to their restaurants, retail, professional and home services.
The response has been excellent!
We have envelopes stuffed full of wonderful opportunities for everyone to enjoy.
We are distributing these packets in “our wonderful parting gifts” tote bags and to workshop attendees or you can just
stop by our Brecksville office, and ask for your coupon packet.
This opportunity to “Pay it forward” is free to any business submitting a coupon and wanting to participate:
Simply call Rachel – 440 546 9660 or email Rachel@gatewaytitle.com .
We all have to power to change the local economy.
Support your local small business person and start today!


  1. Hi, Rachel!

    I am the new chair of the Stow-Munroe Falls Chamber of Commerce Program Committee. You are scheduled to be our luncheon speaker in May, yet no one on our committee (or at the Chamber office!) knows who "booked" you, anything about you, whether this was confirmed, etc.
    I definitely need to chat with you---from all the sites I found after "googling" you, I can see why you'd be a perfect speaker.
    BUT...we really do need to talk first. I will call you tomorrow at the office.

    Thank you,
    Tom Stephan

  2. Sounds great Tom! call me 440 546 9660
