Sunday, July 11, 2010

Gateway Title Family Celebrates Life!

It's no secret,Gateway Title is a family business and this time last year, we were busy as a family, looking forward to Granddaughter Ashley's wedding to Joel.
Keeping all the plates spinning was a real challenge for everyone.
Here we are almost a year later, and now we celebrate new life...
Our family has been blessed with two new Babies is the past three weeks. Ashley and Joel have a beautiful son, baby Gage Robert -  Michelle's new Grand baby.
Last week Suzy's oldest, Joey and his wife Lauren,  gave us another precious Baby boy, also named Joseph.
Everyone is doing great!
In spite of everything else that is happening in the world outside, Life Goes On and LIFE IS GOOD!
Thank You God, for your blessings to our Family!

1 comment:

  1. This is party time for your family. I wish Ashley and Joel Good Luck for their future and may their dreams come true

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