Monday, July 26, 2010

What is Real Estate Sales Exhaustion?

Real estate sales exhaustion is a combination of despair and fatigue.It's effect is cumulative.Usually there is no one incident that causes it. There is a "straw that breaks the camel's back" that causes a seller to want to get out at any price!
It is a problem of desperation on the seller's part. Things seem to go from bad to worse, and it's easy to forget that any house can be sold. After a while, seller's think that they will never make it; and the property will be the one that goes all the way to zero in value
Many situations are often made even more urgent because of the seller's financial pressures.
Everything does not have to continue to be bleak. Don't get caught in this psychological trap!
There are ways to recover from real estate sales exhaustion starting with keeping a positive outlook and trust that the offer will come.. (I know you don't want to hear that - but it truly does help).
What else can  a seller do to  recover from real estate sales exhaustion?


  1. Great article! I have fallen into this very "trap". We ended up selling our home for $20,000 less than what it was worth!

  2. Chris: I also think real estate agents have to not fall into the exhaustion trap. The "law of attraction" certainly applies. Many of them are soooo negative, they don't realize how negatively they affect sellers!
    If you only are attracted to "failure" that is what you ewill get - "failure"!

  3. I additionally anticipate absolute acreage agents accept to not abatement into the burnout trap. The "law of attraction" absolutely applies. Real estate for sale ads
