Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Change – Consumer’s make the Choice!
Today, a business owner in our office building told me he was listing his property with a REALTOR and wanted to know if Gateway Title worked with sellers who hire real estate agents!
My answer was “Of course. We work with buyers and sellers with or without an agent. We are the man in the middle who brings it altogether and insure the ownership of the title”.
You, the consumer, make the marketing choices and how you find a buyer. That decision has nothing to do with the title company you choose to do the title insurance and escrow closing.
One stop shopping is not in everyone’s best interest. It is bias to the real estate agent’s interest.
We specialize in escrow settlement services. We shine in our service to all who are involved in a real estate transaction. We must follow all written instructions from the parties to the transaction be it for a Purchase or refinance.
We must be unbiased to any one party.That is our duty!
I ask: How can an escrow agent, who works for a real estate agent's or lender's title company, be unbiased?
I've heard many very biased decisions that were forced on the consumer to favor the agent that owned, all or part of, the title/escrow agency. That includes the consumer's right to choose who does the title and escrow work.
Who is representing whom?
The consumers right to choose who they pick and pay to do title and escrow should be respected. It's Time!
Let Gateway "title and escrow" your next refinance or real estate deal!

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