Tuesday, June 16, 2009

DO You React or Respond?

When a crisis comes up, be it large or small, how do you handle it? Do you immediately start ranting? Do you take the "pause" and respond to keep control of your self and the situatiion? Do you look like an idiot RANTING and RAVING and lose the respect of others?

Staying calm and responding is strong and demands RESPECT. Richard Flint gives these words of wisdom on how to make the difference and I dare you to do it.

If you want to master responding; master slowing down. I've said it for years, "Respond, don't react!" It is so easy to say, but so challenging for most to achieve. Why? It's challenging because most live through their emotions, not their imagination. The more emotions involved, the greater the challenge to slowing down. You can't take all the emotions out of the decision making, but you can make sure the emotions are supporting a creative decision, not feeding a reactionary feeling.

Remember, if you can't manage your pace, you can't control your life.

For more on Richard Flint, check out his website at www.RichardFlint.com or Friend him Facebook.

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